Atma gyanasvarup hai,svayam gyan hi hai;vh gyan k atirikt anya kare bhi kya? Atma parabhav ka karta hai aisa manana (tatha kahana) so vyavahari jivo ka moh (agyan) hai.

Friday 13 July 2012

Moksh Marg Prakashak

 Illuminator of the Path of Liberation by Pandit Shree Todarmalji written about 1750AD, is considered to be one of the most comprehensive and wide-ranging analysis of Jainism. This text provides an ANALYTICAL description of, the nature of unhappiness, its causes (believing self to be non-self, e.g. body, passions, etc.), identification of solution (understanding difference between self and non-self) followed by method of application of solution. Although the author, Pandit Todarmalji was a householder, his knowledge of Jainism was so comprehensive and detailed, while retaining focus, that he has been considered to be like an (as opposed to an actual) 'Acharya' (the highest form of ascetic), hence the term 'Acharyakalp'. This book is commended for anybody who wants to critically identify and correct their own short-comings in the field of self-realisation.