Atma gyanasvarup hai,svayam gyan hi hai;vh gyan k atirikt anya kare bhi kya? Atma parabhav ka karta hai aisa manana (tatha kahana) so vyavahari jivo ka moh (agyan) hai.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Guru Bhakti


He (the right believer) who having become dispassionate and indifferent to worldly pleasures, relinquished all kinds of possessions and attachments and accepted Shuddhopayoga form of monk's conduct, experiences internally through that Shuddhopayoga his own self to be the self-soul only; never feels I-ness in other objects and believes one's own sentient nature only as one's own, never feels mineness in alien dispositions, and whatever other substances and their characteristics appear in knowledge, he, of course, knows them but does not have attachment-aversion feelings in them by treating them as agreeable or disagreeable; the body undergoes different changes, various instrumental causes get associated externally but (in those situations) he does not feel happy or unhappy at all, and the external (bodily) activity suitable to his (spiritual) status takes place in natural course, he does not involve himself in it forcibly, and he does not allow his Upayoga (active consciousness) to deviate or ramble too much, he rather holds deviationless (stable) condition by becoming stoical and dispassionate. 

Shastra Bhakti


The teachings of God are scriptures. Since he is not attached to worldly affairs, his teachings are also conducive to detachment. The precept that religion lies in attachments is not the teaching of one who is detached. The nature of the fundamental elements has been explained in his teachings. Above all his teachings have no contradictions.

Dev Bhakti


In Jainism a person is not important. It believes in the worship of qualities rather than persons

True God is one who is free from worldly attachments, omniscient ( One who knows all, is omniscient. One whose consciousness has developed to the full, one who knows everything - things that happened in the past, are happening and will happen in the future - at one and the same time, is omniscient.) and a preceptor of the welfare of all. One who has no like or dislike for anybody is unattached. He does not possess the eighteen blemishes of birth, death etc. He does not feel hungry or thirsty. In fact, He is one who has conquered all desires.